Instructions Following Periodontal Surgery

  1. When anesthesia wears off, you may experience slight discomfort, readily controlled with Ibuprofen or Tylenol. A prescription will be given in case of a more moderate discomfort, please take as directed. Start pain relievers before your anesthesia wears off and continue taking the medication only as necessary to prevent discomfort.
  2. Small amounts of blood may discolor your saliva during the first 24 hours. This is normal. Do not rinse vigorously, spit, suck on straws, smoke or drink alcohol during the first 48-72 hours. If persistent oozing occurs, apply a moistened tea bag, covered with a piece of gauze in U shape and compress the area firmly for 30 minutes. Do not take it out to check it during this time. Also, remain sitting or standing, do not lay down. You may have to repeat this several times. If bleeding does not stop, please call our office.
  3. Swelling may occur after the procedure. Placing an ice-pack on the outside of your face adjacent to the treated area can minimize swelling. Alternating 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off starting the day of surgery is recommended. This can continue for no longer than 24 hours
  4. If there is a bandage (dressing) in your mouth, it was placed to cover the surgical site during healing. Avoid chewing in the area where the dressing is present. The bandage will become brittle and pieces may chip off. This should be of no concern unless the exposed area becomes uncomfortable.
  5. Do not brush or floss the area of the surgery, but maintain optimal oral hygiene in the rest of your mouth. Rinse twice a day with Peridex oral rinse, starting 24 hours after the surgery.
  6. If any medications have been prescribed to you, please follow the instructions. . If you are currently taking oral contraceptive medication please beware that any antibiotics taken can interfere with the birth control for the full cycle.
  7. Avoid physical exertion this week, especially during the first 2 days, since this will increase blood pressure and may cause more bleeding from the surgical site.
  8. A well-balanced diet is necessary during healing. This should consist of liquids and soft foods. Please see the reverse side for examples of recommended food.
  9. Call the office if you experience extreme pain, bleeding or swelling, or if you have any further questions.